Thursday, December 15

Shorty Still Cries

Shorty still cries
day and night.
Shorty’s not happy
with her life.
She wants to do this,
She wanna do that,
She so kind she
ends up flat.
For love
give her love.
She only wants
and needs
Shorty still sits
all alone.
She lives in a world
that’s not her own.
Love’s not harsh; love’s
Not bad, but what
she does for love is
All the time getting
in things she can’t
get out!
Some things deep inside of her
eating up the PRIDE IN HER.
Maybe that’s why she smokes
so much crack.
She’s lost in thoughts of who to
be I wish to god that she
could see.
Give her love.


To express feelings
to let people know
what you’re thinking
to share wisdom
and knowledge to
spread happiness
and thoughtfulness


I am Homeless

I am homeless, that is my appearance right now. Under this costume a lot of things are hidden inside of my heart and my mind. I am not really dangerous but I am not stupid. I really don’t like living like this but I have no choice in the matter. Because I have no control over society which has no current plans for me to succeed. I am a homeless person because I have experienced a word called disappointment. I wish I could erase over and over again. It’s a rocky road out there. It is not easy to succeed. Please understand that I will succeed soon.


Your Own Star

If you’re sorry or if you feel sad, just letting you know I’m the friend that you have. You don’t have to wish or cry or blame, you just need a hug and stop off lame. Cause no matter where or what or so far always remember you’re your own STAR!


Free Writing

Why is it important to write? Why is it important for you to write to be heard?

Why is it important for your voice to be heard? Many times people don’t realize how important it is to communicate. Sometimes people go through experiences and others nave no solution to them.


My Strangest Encounter

One day taking the
bus – the MBTA
some lady asked
me if I was the
famous living vegetable
who came off the
respirator on the news.
Yet she said it with sugar on top.
I said no. Yet I wish
I said yes. I am
a celebrity…



You know we all have the blues which become an attitude, yet so whatever or whichever as long as we stay together and keep your attitude to yourself.

You know we all have the blues which becomes, too, an attitude. Yo so whatever as long as we stay together be forever and ever. Yet no human. Keep your attitude to yourself.

Voices need to heard

-because words
need to be spoken
or written
feelings need to be
expressed –
Hopes & dreams
need to be realized—
cries need to be
uhered, hopelessness
talked about
concerns voiced
jokes to be told.


Spiritual Aids

I was inspired to use these spiritual aids to help me to have peace, comfort, and support in my own personal life. My hopes and intentions are for these aids to be of assistance, too, in other people’s lives.


-God is Love
-For With God Nothing is Impossible
-Set your mind on those things Above, Not on things on the Earth, for they are only temporary
-For He Himself has Said, “I will Never leave you or forsake you.”
-Always pursue what is good both for yourselves and for All.
-Live What Your Believe
-Let all that you do be done with love
-For We Walk by Faith, Not by Sight
-Anxiety in the heart… causes depression, but a good Word makes it glad
-Whoever guards his mouth and tongue keeps his Soul from troubles.

NIA Internalized

NIA: the 5th principal of Kwanzaa
NIA = Purpose: To make our collective vocation in the building and developing of our community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness.

Everyday I look at faces, varied hues of vanilla, caramels and browns
some creased with lines from pain, worries and frowns.

The lines reflect the struggles, tears and fears
of not making it and the smiles of when they did.

I'm asking a question, I pose it to you
while you think about it to thine own self be true.

What is your purpose
your legacy, your song
what is your reason, your passion, for what do you long?

One sistuh crying pleading for help
another is dying all by her self.

A girl child is sexin -- giving it away
A woman is using "not again" you say.

Some mother, grandmother, child living on the streeet
yet we pass her daily
never her eyes do we meet.

To give her a dime, a quarter, a dollar or two.
or give her nothing forgetting
there but for the grace of God go you.

Nia collective purpose what is that all about?
It's all us in the same struggle without a doubt.

Empathy sympathy are not one in the same.
It's about sharing victories and soothing another's pain.

Community is not just the block where u live
It's a community of sistuh-hood where we all have something to give

A word of kindness, a hug, a smile
sharing someone's burden going the extra mile.

So what does NIA really mean to you?
Ponder it deeply to thine own self be true.

My Love

This is dedicated to the one I loved—Death be not proud…

You’re only as free as you want to be, my love
But when you go away, my love will stay
For it is true, my love
You’re only as free as you want to be, my love
Each memory and each thought
Will be as beautiful as each morning dawn
For it is true, my love
You’re only as free as you want to be
But always remember the past
For they were the happy and sad times
We spent together. For it is true
You’re only as free as you want to be, my love


Resources in the Community That Made a Difference

An Interview with B.J.

Some of the resources which I’ve used during my homelessness, and after I was no longer homeless, are On the Rise, the Multi-Service Center, HomeStart, and the Community Food Pantries.

On The Rise is the number one resource—I used On The Rise quite often and still use them. They’re an excellent source of support for you when you’re needing someone to comfort you, or you’re needing someone to uplift you, or you need some information, or you need someone to advocate for you. They’re good for clothing resources. They’re also good if you’re needing vitamins, or just health aids. It’s also a good place to get a healthy meal and a good place to come if you’re needing a place to rest, take a nap, take a shower, or get some outside resources like therapy, or health care. On The Rise is good if you just need some support in everyday life things: children, custody, visitation, trying to get an apartment, trying to get Section 8 housing, trying to get into a shelter, trying to get out of a shelter, furniture…all kinds of things. I just thank God for On the Rise.

Another resource I’ve used and still use is the Multi-Service Center. They’re a good place to make phone calls on the spur of the moment if you don’t have any money or change—you can use the phone for about 10 minutes. That was a very good resource for me while I was in a shelter. I was able to have contact with my family early in the morning after leaving the shelter, to check back in with them because I didn’t have a cell phone. I’d call my dad in the morning, and also my brother, so they were able to know that I got through the night and that I was OK. If I needed anything, it was early enough in the morning—8:30—so they could help me if they needed to. The Multi-Service Center also helps with resumes when you are ready and stable enough to look for a job or continue your career, or start your career, or whatever. They’re very helpful with resumes, cover letters, and stuff. That’s very useful because a lot of places here charge you. So, if you don’t have a lot of money or you don’t have any money at all, and you’ve never had a resume, the Multi-Service Center will put one together that will show your strengths, even if you don’t have a degree. They’ll also help you once you get into housing or a room or with getting money together for security deposits, furniture, or other things.

I also continue using the Community Food Pantries. If you’re getting a disability check or you just have limited money if you’re homeless, or if even if you’re not homeless, they’re good resources for getting healthy food. They help when you’re short on money—when you’re in a tight bind and have to make a little stretch a long way.

HomeStart is also good. They’re housing advocates that help you while you’re in a shelter and they also help once you get into either a rooming house or your own apartment. They will vouch for you, act as advocates for you, help you get furniture, help if you’re having problems in your current living situation with management or tenants. They really go to bat for you.

You Are the Most Important and Beautiful Person in Our Family

Thank you
For providing us with the stability to keep us confident
The knowledge to help us accomplish things
The strength to help us conquer difficulties
The dedication to help us grow
And the enormous amount of time
That you spend to keep us close
Thank you
For always being there to help
For always being there to care
You are a very rare person
Because you put your family’s needs
Far ahead of your own
I want you to know
How much I appreciate this
I want to thank you
For being such an important
And beautiful person
In our family
And I want you to know that you can
Depend on me for anything
You might need
I love you
More than anything in the world.



i saw
a very slowly
about the damage
one match
could do
to anything flammable.


Survival and Safety Tips for a Shelter Atmosphere

1. Remember the shelter is NOT your home.

2. Be aware of your surroundings at all times. Keep your eyes and ears open.

3. Everyone who says they are there to help you may NOT have your best interests at heart.

4. Learn to go with the flow of things. Things sometimes change without notice.

5. Learn to think before you speak. That last word you thought was important might cause you to lose your place at the shelter.

6. Be quick to listen and slow to get angry.

7. Have compassion for yourself and others. No one is perfect. We all have bad days.

8. Keep personal belongings with you at all times—money, i.d., phone book, keys, etc.

9. Carry a backpack instead of a purse. Backpacks allow more room to carry things.

10. Try to eat and drink daily to keep up your strength.

11. Try to care of yourself physically. Go to sleep early and wake up early for quiet time.

12. Do positive things.

13. Find and keep a strong support system. These people can help you get through a bad day and/or tough circumstances.

14. Do fun things that make you laugh.

15. Hang around fun and positive people.

16. Carry trial size items that fit in your backpack: tissues, hand sanitizer, tampons or pads, hard candy, Tylenol, hand soap, toothbrush, and toothpaste. Also carry underwear and socks.

17. Take vitamins to help keep your body stay healthy.

18. Do at least one thing a day to make you feel good. This does NOT always have to cost money. For example, you can look in the mirror and say, “I’m something special and God loves me!”

19. Get a hobby or something that you can use to turn yourself around when things are too overwhelming to deal with---listening to music, sewing, reading, etc.

20. If you can, make a good friend who you can talk to, go places with, and most of all, support and get support from for life’s burdens.


Home is where
the heart is
Home is to be
Home is where
I live everyday
all alone
That’s my home
I pray
I rest
my neck and
get prepared to go to
my mansion in the
my real home


A Blessing For Today

To My Dear Little Sister, Sakinah

The day had gone all wrong.
A woman gave me words of encouragement.
I looked up and there you were standing.
Saying "Hi," you asked if I needed anything.
You kissed me and whispered in my ear, "I always love you."
I stood and pulled you close to me.
Thank you, you were my blessing.

A Brand-New Me

Celebrating a New Me

I woke up this morning and I felt brand-new.
I said to myself, "Is this really something
that could be true?"
My mind seemed clearer and I had a brand-new
point of view. Then I said to myself,
"I now got a new state of mind
and a more positive attitude."
Two things I felt that would help me accomplish great
new things. Thank God for new beginnings!
And good people around to tell you,
"Don't worry, things will soon turn around for the best!"

Get Along

I'm so sick of animosity, population growth
of the hypocrisy, in our pathetic screwed
up democracy. What the hell happened to
society? Don't get me wrong. I'm not a
communist. Their system's way more messed
up than ours is. Why can't we just get
along? We need to analyze, contemplate,
compromise to fix the situation. Not just
kick back and let it end in oblivion.
Please, we need to get along! Release the
bad thoughts with sugar and spice.
If you don't do these things, then you're
gonna pay the price. Don't do one thing
and say another. Can't you see we're just
torturing each other? If not then, when
will we discover how to get along?


Wednesday, December 14

We Are Voices Together

Voices Together is a group of homeless and formerly homeless women , who have come together to express their ideas through writing. We give voice to women whose experiences, creativity, and insights are often unrecognized and undervalued. Through various avenues of expression, in this, our new publication --- Voices Together, we will offer insights into the reality of homelessness and provide an outlet for the voices of our experience. Watch for our first posts coming soon! If you would like more information or would like to make any comments, please e-mail us at