I recall a time—
When TV was in black and white;
When colors weren’t as vivid, or as many;
When Ricky and Lucy slept in twin beds.
I remember a time—
When the world seemed new
And I was adventurous;
When people were love children.
I remember a time—
When government out of control
Was exposed.
Now corruption is covert.
I remember a time—
When everyone had
A home, an apartment, a kitchenette;
When politicians made promises
Of a chicken in every pot
And a car in every garage.
I remember a time-
When the American dream was
Definable, nameable
Now, Americans are homeless,
Sick, unemployed, in prison,
Oppressed, spied on.
I long for a time
Reminiscent of time long ago.
T.W. 7/18/06