Monday, March 12

Strange Weather

Seventy degrees outside — lovely;
Not hot enough to sweat,
Not cool enough for a coat—lovely.

Crisp air infiltrates my lungs
As I pedal my bike
With Stormy in tow—
Comfortable in her carrier.

We ride along the river;
We toss rocks in the water.
We pedal on
Noticing a gaggle of geese
On the river setting—lovely.

We ride onward
Toward the playground.

The bike path is full;
Skaters, walkers, riders, runners,
Babies in carriages,
Families, lovers and friends—
Children running like any other day—lovely.

Except this is January ’07
In the Northeast—Boston;
Global warming—
Or just strange weather…

T.W. 1/9/07


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